Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Little Cutie

Here are some pics to share before I try to catch up on the past two weeks.  


  1. Gina, he is so PRECIOUS! I can't wait to meet him. Thanks for putting up more pictures.

  2. This kid looks older than two weeks to me. Look at that expression. He looks awfully "with it" for two weeks. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I've seen that same frowny forehead on his dad - LOL!

  3. We noticed that little wrinkled forehead right away;)
    He really is so aware of things. Gina should post the picture of the first time his Poppa Deggs held him. Samuel stared for a long time. He looked like he was thinking "boy, this just has to be my "Big Poppa". He's got that beard and mustache and had his baseball cap on. I love it.

  4. Thanks everyone. We think we'll keep him and can't wait for all of our friends to meet him in person. He's a sweetie.


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