Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More House Updates

Here is a "before" and "after" of our living room.

We finally have our living room feeling settled. What do you guys think about the drastic change? There are a few finishing touches I need to do like find something to hang over the fire place. The black square on the sofa is the back of a picture we hung on the wall by the front door. I'm planning to do a collage of black frames w/ white mattes with photos of you know who on the big wall to the left. The curtain rod is over the window b/c I was planning to do a curtain instead of blinds on the big window but it ended up looking like a giant bed sheet when it was closed at night. We like the white blinds much better. Now we'll have to take the rod down and patch the holes. Sorry Tyson! Anyone need a really nice antique bronzed curtain rod from Lowe's? The hardwoods are original. They were hiding under the yucky carpet you see in the before pic. Don't you love the red mantel w/ gold edges. It was hard to let go of. LOL
I think Tyson and his dad had to use about five gallons of primer on this room alone.
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7 Months down, 2 to go...

July 2009

I'm back!! Sorry for the two month blog break. Where did June go? Wait, where did July go too? I was going to try to take these belly pics once a month. Notice we can now see the blue elastic on the pants. How can I get any bigger??? The multiple trips to the bathroom every night are starting to get old. I figured this is God's way of preparing me for the sleep deprivation I'm really about to find myself in.

I'm sure once Baby Boy Carr gets here, I'll be alot more motivated to post pics and videos. We're armed with a cute little Flip video recorder we snagged on Amazon the other day. It's super easy to use and download videos straight to the computer, so we're ready to capture his every move.
I'm now going to my prenatal appointments every two weeks instead of once a month.
The baby's heartbeat was around 160 beats strong. Another bit of good news is that he seems to be head down. I'm praying he stays that way and settles in for the long haul. We've been reading lots of books and we're midway into our natural childbirth classes. We're learning so much and getting more and more confident about the birth. I am so proud of Tyson and the effort he's put into his role as "coach." I couldn't ask for a more supportive and attentive husband. Thank you, honey.
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