Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not Feeling so Well

I (Gina) am in Texas with Samuel visiting my family and the poor little baby has come down with what we think is a cold. It started out with congestion in his nose and lots of drainage. By yesterday afternoon he had a fever of 100.1, so my mom and I took him to a pediatric clinic. He tested negative for the flu and his oxygen level was fine. We're giving him Tylenol which is helping the fever and keeping a vaporizor going. He seems a little perkier this morning, but has a little cough today. It's been difficult watching him be so miserable. I had a bit of a cold last week, so I'm assuming I passed it along to him. A well baby is definitely not something to take for granted I'm learning. Please keep us in your prayers. We're believing he's going to be well very soon.
On a side note, he was an awesome traveler and slept on both flights getting here. I have a cute video I'll upload later. Everything went smooth with our travel.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gina! You are brave flying with a newborn by yourself. Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family. Tell them "hi" from me.


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