I took this video about a week ago. Samuel loves to look at this Baby Einstein light up crib toy. It looks like a fish aquarium and plays classical music. After I change his diaper on the changing table I lay him down in the crib and turn it on. This gives me a chance to clean up our mess or take a quick potty break. He really like it. In fact he turns and stares at it before I turn it on. Sometimes I forget and I'll look down and see his eyes fixed on it like "when are you going to turn it on, mom?"
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tummy Time
At both of our check-ups last week(the birth center and the pediatrician's office) we were asked if we had been giving Samuel "tummy time." I had to laugh to myself thinking, "are you kidding? We've only been at this parenting thing for two weeks and you guys are asking if we've given tummy time?" At that point, we'd just been trying to survive and keep the little guy fed. Anyway...what does this developmental therapist do? I quickly get home and start giving my super star some time on that tummy each day. He actually tolerates it very well. He's tried to lift his little head up a few times. It was mostly fun to take these pics. If you're wondering what the big deal is about tummy time it helps strengthen their neck and core so they'll be able to
hold their heads up better, sit, crawl, etc.
I just thought it was a little eager of them to be asking us about it at the two week check up. Oh well... BTW he's already grown alot since I took these photos. I can't believe it!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Samuel's First Bath
We gave Samuel his first official "Bath" last night since his umbilical cord fell off this week. He did great. Up to this point he hasn't really appreciated any type of bathing or clothes changing, but I guess he's beginning to adjust. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
More Cuteness
Here are some pics I took a couple of days ago. I love this little outfit. I think he got to wear it for about an hour before he peed up the back of it. Tyson says "Poor Samuel" because I do a photo shoot of the precious thing on a daily basis. He's a good sport about it so far.
The kid is growing like a weed. We've had a couple of check ups lately. One at the birth center and today we went to his pediatrician's office for the first time. As of today he weighs 9lbs. 5oz. Little chubber! The doctor said he looked great. I was a proud mama.
Love that hair
Serious face
He squints his right eye when he smiles big. So precious!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I Love My Daddy

This is what Tyson looks like now making coffee in the mornings. He has his little helper attached to him. Samuel loves it!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Samuel Meets His Family
Samuel meets his "Big Pop" for the first time. It was love at first sight.
He loves his Nanna too and she adores him.
CiCi loves her Samuel and he loves her.
Samuel had a great time getting lots of love from his Nana and Papa.
Can you tell his Cousin Annabella and Aunt Jadon think he's great?
Samuel can't wait to meet the rest of his NC and Texas family members soon. In the mean time, we're thankful for Skype. :) We love all of you!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Samuel James
As most of you already know, our sweet Samuel James was born on October 9th at 12:26pm. He weighed a whopping 8lbs. 14oz. and was 21" long. I would say the hard part of labor started at about 2:00 am on Friday morning with regular strong contractions. We arrived at the Birth Center around 4:00 am and our baby was in our arms a little after noon. I'll save the details of all of those hours in between for those of you that would want to hear more of our birth story.
It is definitely something I'll never forget. I can say it was one of the hardest but most incredible experiences I've ever had. The staff at the birth center was absolutely amazing. We couldn't have asked for a better team of people. Our midwife was Maureen who is actually the owner of the practice and has been delivering babies many years. Our nurse was Cheryl and she was incredible too. They never left our side the entire time. They placed Samuel on my chest immediately when he was born. He cried right away and we were all shocked at how plump he was and at his head full of dark hair. I could go on and on... We're just in love with the little guy even if we are super sleep deprived. I'll try and keep the posts and the pics coming. It's taken me two weeks to get blogging so I've got a lot to catch up on.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Is Today the Day?
Yes, the above ticker is correct. I am 40 weeks 2 days pregnant. We're still waiting over here. We're like a bunch of kids at Christmas just waiting for our big gift with excitment and anticipation. Is today the day?? We'll see...
We almost feel cruel at this point calling any of the family if we aren't in labor b/c their hearts skip a beat when they see our number on the caller ID. We have to hurry up and say "this isn't it."
It's getting harder not to wonder if it's ever going to happen. We've been tempted to try every home intervention we hear about to get labor started but we're trying to put our faith in God's timing. "Will I bring to the point of birth and not deliver." "My soul waits in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him." I've been trying to trust and meditate on these promises. I just read something else that helped me put things in perspective. It said to enjoy these last precious moments with this little one all to myself because soon I will have to share him with the world. I think I was already feeling that way but didn't realize it. I can't wait to meet him, but part of me will miss his kicks and movements and the special bond of having him so close. However... we can't wait to meet him face to face and experience all the joy he will bring to so many.
Check back soon for an arrival update....
Have a great Monday!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
I love this photo. My hands have become so swollen that I've had to retire my wedding rings temporarily, but the beautiful diamond band you see on my hand was my Grandmother Deggs'.
She passed it on to my mom who wore it for years until my dad bought her a new one for their anniversary several years ago. It is normally too large for my fingers but fits perfectly during this little season. That's Tyson's hand on the left side of the heart. Sweet picture.
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