Our news that I left you hanging with yesterday two days ago is that we're going to Africa this summer! It's a long story, and we've had the chance to share it with many of you, but this is the first blog post about it. We are planning to spend four weeks in Mozambique this summer volunteering with some folks who have been there many years. Our hope is that we will get a feel while we're there if this is a good fit for us on a more long term basis. The opportunity to go to Africa opened up to us several months ago, but the idea of going overseas was born in both of our hearts many years ago. I suspect the idea has been in God's heart even longer. Tyson has his story of how this type of calling was planted in him and I have mine. Since our paths first crossed almost five years ago this was always a common thread. Now we're so excited that the time has come for us to embark on this adventure together as a couple and as a family.
My "More than Miniblinds" explanation alludes to the fact that our hearts have been restless - longing for more. I do want to say that I'm in no way down playing or minimizing the importance or value of making a difference right where you are on a daily basis. Too me, that can be more difficult than heading off to a distant land. Just wanted to share my thoughts on that before going any further.
Back to how this all came about - We began wrestling with our restlessness and praying for direction. We had a few of our own ideas but they quickly fizzled out. Finally we began to rest in the fact that at the right time we would just know, and there need not be any striving or fretting.

What will we be doing in Africa? Good question. We hope to simply get to know the other workers and serve them wherever needed to begin with. Four weeks is a short time in the scheme of things, but we feel it will be enough to get a confirmation one way or the other if we are supposed to go back or not. There is already lots of great work going on there that we will get a glimpse of. There is a feeding clinic for babies that is feeding around 700 babies weekly. They provide powdered milk to care givers, weight checks for the babies, and other care. I'm not exactly sure to be honest. With my background in working with special needs babies this could be an opportunity to identify babies who need extra help and encourage their caregivers. We also know a preschool has been pioneered and it's thriving. I've been in frequent contact with the woman who started it and I'm excited to serve where need there too. I believe the opportunities will be endless for Tyson as well through the avenues of sports, prison outreach, ESL...Honestly, we won't know until we get there. I almost feel presumptuous mentioning what we will be doing because I'm sure Africa will change us more than we will change Africa. We can have our little ideas, but God is writing our story and He's all about the journey. I heard the quote once, "The journey is the destination." So true! We heard. We're trusting. We're going. We're on the journey!
Sooo...The plan is that Samuel, Tyson, and I will be leaving on a jet plane sometime mid-July. Passports - check! Shots - check! Many other preparations are coming along as well. We will keep you posted as things progress. If you would like more information or feel led to partner with us financially please contact us via email: www.ginaandtyson(at)gmail(dot)com and we will be more than happy to share more with you and let you know how you can make a tax deductable contribution. Even more so, we would welcome your prayers for us as we take this plunge into deeper waters of faith and trust.
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