We decided (as a couple) to keep our Christmas traditions as simple as possible this year for a variety of reasons. Therefore, we decided not to drag out all of our decorations or even get a tree for that matter. We didn't buy many gifts and cookies didn't get baked. Before you start feeling depressed, let me say we didn't have a feeling of "bah humbug" at all. A few of our reasons included the fact that we were going to be out of town beginning Christmas Day, we're remodeling a bathroom which has required much of our time and money, and we could picture our tree getting pulled down and ornaments being drug all over the house for a month! You'll have to keep reading to find out why the photos contradict what I'm saying. Little did I realize how much more that less would actually be!
I realized a week or so into December how much more I was really enjoying this time of year. Here's what I mean:
- The Christmas section at Home Depot has never been more exciting. Samuel and I circled the cart twice just to enjoy that giant snow globe one more time. :)
- The glow and smell of our Christmas candle never looked brighter or smelled more cheery.
- The Christmas cards and photos of friends and family lined up on our mantle never brought more joy.
- I was not stressed or exhausted over shopping, baking, or wrapping gifts.
I can hardly explain it, but taking all of the expectations of what Christmas is supposed to be and what we're supposed to "do" brought a freedom to truly savor the simple things and realize the beauty in them.
I love how God works. He's not often early, but He's never late either. We weren't devastated over not having a tree for goodness sakes, but it's a fun part of celebrating for sure. Typically we like to pick out a real Christmas tree each year, but like I said we decided otherwise this year. A week before Christmas Tyson and the neighbor were dropping off a load of construction debris (from the bathroom) at the county landfill. As they were leaving a local tree farm was dumping perfectly good Christmas trees that no one had purchased and asked Tyson if he would like to have one. Personally I had no motivation to put it to use at that point, but on Christmas Eve I looked outside and Tyson was putting the tree in the stand and wrapping a few lights around it. Tyson wanted Samuel to be surprised when he woke up from his nap and he was! His eyes were big and he went straight to the strand of lights to inspect them.
I looked at Tyson and saw how much joy it brought him to prepare the tree and have it sitting there for Samuel and then watch Samuel's eyes light up with delight when he caught a glimpse of it. In that moment I was reminded of how our Father God truly desires to give his children good gifts and I realize so many times I deny him that opportunity by fulfilling my desires in ways I think are best instead of leaving room for Him to do something beyond what I could ever come up with myself.
Truly, less (of me) and more (of Him) is where I find real life!
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