Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Signing "More" for the First Time

We've been introducing the sign for "more" to Samuel for a little while now, and a couple of days ago he really took off using it during meal times. I used signs alot as a developmental therapist with most of the children I worked with and found it really helpful. Many people are skeptical of teaching their children signs for fear they'll just rely on the sign instead of speaking, but research shows the opposite. It can actually enhance language development and take a lot of the frustration out of communicating w/ your baby. What I've always found to be amazing is how much is in those little brains waiting to come out! The approach I've always used is to introduce one sign at a time until they master it then move on. I wait until the opportunity arises then model it. Playing with bubbles and meal times are a great way to introduce "more." I would put a few puffs in front of him and when they were gone I would say "Do you want more?" and do the sign. Then I would take his hands and help him sign more and quickly give him more puffs (or bubbles or whatever). I'm not trying to act like the expert. I just thought I'd share the process for any moms out there that would like to give it a try and wondered where to begin. Here's the downside...once they learn "more" it becomes their universal word for "give me that now!!" Oh well. I'll just introduce the sign for "no." :)


  1. More is as far as I got. I tried to teach Jonah "cup" but he would just use "more" when he wanted his cup. The only other sign we've come close to teaching is "stop". They use that one in Kindermusik.

  2. Oh yeah, we've used "stop" a few times. That one comes in handy these days. I keep trying "all done" too but the only one he's really taken to so far is "more."

    Speaking of Kindermusik. I'm hoping to do that or Gymboree w/ him in the Fall. Have you guys ever done Gymboree?


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