Litsemba “Hope” Community Center
With the completion of the center building, training and program development are in final stages for the following ministries to begin work:
- A Pregnancy Care “Options Center” in cooperation with Youth for Christ South Africa. This ministry targets young people dealing with pregnancy, providing community support, training, and skills development in areas of basic decision-making, goal setting, pre-natal care, sexual integrity, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, personal ethics, healthy parenting, gender roles, becoming a good spouse, marriage building, nutrition, and goal setting.
- An After School Tutoring for students in grade levels 10-12, focusing on math, science, and English.
- A Micro-Enterprise Development program in partnership with South Africa’s Phakamani and Opportunity International which identifies and equips local entrepreneurs in small business development. This program helps individuals prepare business plans, makes low interest micro-loans, and mentors through the first two years of the business start-up.
- LifeSkills for Success offers training in self-esteem, goal-setting, job application and employment preparation, managing health and money, writing a business plan, and assertiveness training. This program is a collaborative effort with Youth for Christ and the RSA Dept. of Health & Human Services.
Total cost to renovate the Litsemba Center in preparation for the programs: $19,600 USD + 1400 volunteer hours. Your support has provided Meniscus the ability to directly contribute $2,600 USD + 900 volunteer hours towards the completion of this project.
We are in urgent need of funding for our portion of facility & program costs. $250 USD per month enables existing projects to grow and new programs to launch from the Litsemba Center.
Discipleship and Leadership Training
25 young adults are now being trained in the Discovery Bible Study method, basic micro-church planting and discipleship. These young leaders are being released two-by-two to go into the community, find people of peace, and begin planting small, reproducible, gospel-sowing groups that meet local needs. DBS groups meet weekly four days a week. Becky and Scott Lycan do not lead these groups, but serve as strategy coordinators and “aunts & uncles” within these groups. Just this week a new DBS has started in our own neighborhood. Both neighbors are recently unemployed and realized that this is a time to draw close to God. They knocked on our door and asked us to help them!
Project Hands of Grace
Meniscus partners with this non-profit women’s sewing guild which empowers women to feed their families, learn micro-enterprise skills, and develop a strong community of faith and mutual support. A Discovery Bible Study group meets weekly after every sewing group gathering. Fifteen women are engaged in the Masoyi work, and over 100 family members are being feed. A second Grace project site will be launched within the next month.