Preface: Samuel and I spent a wonderful 9 days with my family in Texas. We did make one trip to a pediatric clinic over an infected thumb nail cuticle (nice!) and a cold complete with fever. It didn't stop him or me from having a great time though.
Here we are saying our goodbyes. Bittersweet. Going to miss my parents but excited to get home to Tyson/Daddy. Right?
Here goes...
10:30am - Fun car ride to the airport with Poppa
11:30 - eat lunch at the airport. Notice Samuel won't touch anything. Not even tortilla with cheese.
12:00 - run into great friends boarding the plane. We all sit together and I brag on what a great traveler Samuel is.
12:30 - Take off and notice Samuel uncharacteristically cranky and doesn't seem to feel well (besides the cold). Keep chatting with friends and trying to make the best of it.
Here's where the
1:15 (in flight) - Try to offer Samuel another snack and he THROWS UP all over me and himself. Thank you Lord it didn't get on my friends! I clamor for wipes, use a blanket, and the flight attendants bring us a trash bag and tons of paper towels. I'm clompletely covered in kid vomit and the smell is overwhelming. I have extra clothes for S but not for me. Get Samuel changed while in my lap and try to recover.
1:45 - Throws up again! This time I had the trash bag ready, but still more gets on me. Completely surreal! At this point my friend digs a clean blouse out of her carry on and I head to bathroom to change shirts. Now I have a a clean shirt with vomit all over my pants. Better than nothing!
2:15- Pukes one more time! Another save with the trash bag. I'm overwhelmed!!!
2:30 Plane lands. I apologize profusely and thank my friends for all the help. We say our goodbyes. They're at their destination. Samuel and I have an hour to change planes. Did I mention I have no extra clothes, ran out of wet wipes, and my cell phone has one bar ( I left the charger at home). I start texting my husband in faith that the phone will stay alive, buy some sprite, water, and wet wipes. Go to family restroom, change a diareah diaper, and try to get the vomit out of my pants.
Now we're on eastern time and it's 3:45 - Find a little corner to park the stroller, set up Elmo on the laptop, and give the poor little guy some sprite and water through a medicine dropper. He's completely pitiful at this point. Get my composure (I want to burst into tears) and board the next plane.
5:00 - Board the plane. Let the flight attendant and pilot know my kid is sick and have a row to myself. Hold Samuel as still as possible and have the trash bag ready. He sleeps but is burning up with fever (102.6).
*Note: I think the pilot was rushing the flight. We took off at a crazy speed and never slowed down. Went straight through some storm clouds to land. Crazy turbulents! and we arrived 15 minutes early!
5:50 Samuel throws up all the sprite and water I've given him and is listless. I'm panicked. Plane lands. Sweet family rushes to my aid and helps me carry everything. I'm texting Tyson who's been in touch w/ our doctor.
6:20 Get in the car with T. Samuel perks up a bit when he sees Daddy. I smell like throw up and cry on the phone with my mom. Our pediatrician has said to take Samuel home and she'll call us at 8:00pm. Love her!!! We get the sweet boy home and put him in front of a video with towels all around while we unload the car. He throws up again at 7:45.
8:00 Dr. M calls to get the scoop. Tells us to go to the ER after I tell her there's been no wet diaper in hours, etc. Dehydration! Tyson's gone to the store to get Pedialyte and crackers.
8:15 T gets back and we load up for the ER.
9:00 check in at the ER. S has a fever of 102 and is dehydrated.
9:25 They give him medicine for nausea
10:00ish He gets blood drawn and IV fluids.
(I'm loosing track of time at this point...)
10:30 I'm feeling a little queasy.. Yes, you read that right!
11:30 I run for the restroom in the pediatric ER. It's my turn!
2:30 am Saturday - Blood tests came back normal. IV fluids are in. Another dose of anti-nausea medicine given. It's official, I now have the stomach virus and we're on our way home.
2:45 - I'm now vomitting into the puke pan given to us at the hospital and we're turning into our driveway. I'm having to say, "Mommy's fine" in a sweet voice between gags to let a worried Samuel know that I"m okay.
3:00am - tuck Samuel in. Tyson sleeps on the sofa, and I proceed to run for the toilet every 30 minutes for the rest of the night.
10:00 am - We're all up. Samuel looks great, and I'm out of it. Tyson takes care of us both and is hoping for the best.
Another side note - My poor parents and Tyson have all gotten the evil bug too. So sorry we left you with such a parting gift.
That 36 hour adventure was definitely one for the books! We're all on the road to recovery and I guess I'm almost ready to LOL! Gotta love the adventures of motherhood.
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