Friday, April 30, 2010
Looking Back
Go here to read about our trip to Texas... I'm back tracking trying to get caught up. :) I had started this post a few days ago and just finished.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Just Hangin' Out
This is how I found Samuel watching his Baby Einstein video the other day. Guess I should've strapped him in right?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Eating Puffs
We offered Samuel these little "puffs" for the first time today. I don't know why but this seemed like a really big milestone to me. I was so excited. I know I'm a big dork, but I just thought he was a super star for gumming this little piece of food. He looked so cute too!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Catching up
I can't seem to get ahead or even stay current with blogging as much as I really want to.
I would still love to post pics from our trip to Texas and Samuel's first Easter and hopefully I'll follow through. In the meantime I thought I'd start by sharing a little bit about how life is going right now. We are SO glad spring has sprung. We've been outside alot and working in the yard.
We're very excited about planting a garden this year. Tyson has done all the work so far and I've cheered him on. He built a small raised bed and then we had so much we wanted to plant he sectioned off another corner of the yard as well. We bought some starter plants and some seeds too. Here's the list: tomatoes, squash, zucchini, green and yellow peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, and cantalope! If all goes well, we'll be able to make a great salad from what's growing in the backyard. I'm also growing a few herbs (basil, parsley, and mint so far). We're loving it all! I can't tell you how excited we got when one of our seeds sprouted the other day. We were giddy!! There's just something about planting a seed and watching it grow. New life is exciting. Samuel is right out there with us most of the time unless he's napping. We have a wagon that he loves to sit/ride in. We also hung a baby swing under our carport and that's been a thrill for the little guy. Speaking of Samuel, he is a mess! The kid loves pretty much everything. Loves to swing, loves the wagon, loves people, loves to eat, loves to talk, loves to jump, loves to be tickled, loves peek-a-boo, loves his bath. He just loves life and that brings so much joy to us.
We had his six month check up last week and he weighed in at 19 pounds even and was 26.5 inches long. He's still right around average for his height and a little above average for his weight. He had just had a nap, so he was in true form for the doctor. He gave her a big smile to greet her then kindly grabbed her stethiscope and almost ripped it out of her ears. He had no problem with her looking in his ears checking him out. She said she was amazed at the fact that this didn't bother him (it must bother alot of babies). Then he proceded to jump up and down, dive backwards, smile, and babble the whole time. Finally, she asked me if I'd read about the "active" baby in a book called Mother's and Infants. Apparently she thought by the looks of things it may come in handy. Then she told me to go ahead and start baby-proofing. LOL
Well, since I've started this post, we've been to cousin Annabella's birthday party, a mountain mini-vacation, and I've actually read an entire book cover to cover. Miracle!
I really to want to keep up, so my new goal is post something at least once a day. Okay, maybe every other day, but the point is I really want to blog. I just can't seem to get the momentum going. So here's to turning over a new blogging leaf. Love you all.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Texas Fun with Family
Samuel and I took a trip to see my family in Texas at the end of March. We had a great time! This was his second trip to Texas by airplane. He is proving to be a great little traveler so far. Overall the actual traveling was stress free and I am thankful for that. Our airplane ride seemed really easy compared to the mom sitting directly behind us with a three year old and a one year old. Right as we were taking off the three year old declared "Mommy my tummy hurts" then threw up everywhere. Feeling helpless and terribly sorry for this mom I quickly donated one of our burp cloths to the cause and prayed the little girl's germs weren't airborne at that point. At this mom's expense, my confidence in traveling alone with one five month old quickly sky rocketed. Poor lady.
Samuel got to experience the Texas gulf coast for the first time. We took a walk on the Galveston seawall with my friend, Sue. It was really windy that day.
One of the highlights of our trip was visiting my brother and his family for a few days and going to a couple of Aggie baseball games. My dad bought Samuel all of the A&M gear he could possibly need to cheer on Uncle Matt and the team complete with onesie, cap, and bib. You can see how proud Big Pappa is to show off this little stinker.
After the game on Saturday we went down on the field and took a bunch of pics. Uncle Matt gave Samuel his very first baseball.

Kyler is now a bat boy, so he was decked out in his uniform. We got to watch him catch his first foul ball off of the net behind home plate. It rolled up the net then back down and he ran out and caught it bare handed. The crowd cheered and it was a proud moment for him.

I took some "Aunt GG" time to play Zingo with the big kids. Of course, they beat me.
In no particular order, here are a few pics that capture our visit...

Samuel loves his Aunt Kathy and had a big time in the stands watching all the people.

Here's Nanna and Big Pappa with their four angels.
Samuel had sooo much fun with his cousins. It was non-stop attention for him. They were totally into his every move and wanted to help with all of his needs. It was very sweet to watch. Have you ever seen little kids playing soccer? It looks like one big crowd following the ball. Well, this was Kyler, Klaire, and Khloe with Samuel. They didn't miss a thing. We were all sad when it was time for us to go.I took some "Aunt GG" time to play Zingo with the big kids. Of course, they beat me.
Cousin Khloe was "hands on" with bath time in the kitchen sink.
It really brings a lot of joy to my heart to watch Samuel bond with all of his family, and at the same time a little sadness that we don't see each other more often. Hopefully we will get to make another trip down in the summer. I am truly thankful that I'm not working outside the home full time and have the freedom to travel with him for more than a weekend. That's because I have such a great husband who works so hard for our family and a great heavenly Father that faithfully provides for all of our needs. I am truly blessed.
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