Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Five Months Old Today (well yesterday)


1 Month

2 Months
3 Months

4 Months
5 Months

Dear Samuel James,

You are five months old today. As I write this you should be waking up any minute from an over two hour nap you've taken. Way to go! You are growing and changing so quickly that Mommy and Daddy can hardly keep up. If I were to describe you in one word it would be "joyful." You are so full of life and energy. Already you try to grab anything and everything in sight. While holding you at the dinner table you've almost pulled my plate off several times. You've recently learned how to jump in your jumperoo and you're now a super jumper. You love that thing and we get a kick out of watching you because you like to slurp and suck on your fingers while you jump. You also started sitting up by yourself for the first time about a week ago. You have too many facial expressions to count, and blowing "rasberries" is what you do when you want to get our attention. When we look at you you get a big grin on your face. Did I mention you're very alert and curious? You don't miss a thing! I think Daddy and I better be prepared when you start crawling. We also love your adventurous spirit. You like for Daddy to play a little rough with you and being tossed in the air thrills you. You laugh and giggle when we make silly sounds with you and you have a ticklish spot on your neck. You have a sensitive side too we've noticed. You pay very close attention to our facial expressions and get a concerned look on your face if you think something is wrong. When your feelings get hurt your bottom lip pokes way out. You love being around people and you're quick to smile when they talk to you. You bring countless amounts of joy and happiness to this world already. We love you so much and thank God that He chose us to be your parents.



1 comment:

  1. what a precious note to him, i love it. thanks for posting it for us to see. xoxoxo


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