Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Not Feeling so Well
I (Gina) am in Texas with Samuel visiting my family and the poor little baby has come down with what we think is a cold. It started out with congestion in his nose and lots of drainage. By yesterday afternoon he had a fever of 100.1, so my mom and I took him to a pediatric clinic. He tested negative for the flu and his oxygen level was fine. We're giving him Tylenol which is helping the fever and keeping a vaporizor going. He seems a little perkier this morning, but has a little cough today. It's been difficult watching him be so miserable. I had a bit of a cold last week, so I'm assuming I passed it along to him. A well baby is definitely not something to take for granted I'm learning. Please keep us in your prayers. We're believing he's going to be well very soon.
On a side note, he was an awesome traveler and slept on both flights getting here. I have a cute video I'll upload later. Everything went smooth with our travel.
On a side note, he was an awesome traveler and slept on both flights getting here. I have a cute video I'll upload later. Everything went smooth with our travel.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Play Time
We received a new book recently from a family friend of Tyson's. "My Cow Book" is adorable and Samuel loved it. We had him propped on his boppy pillow on our bed with us the other evening and Tyson started reading it to him. He was enamored by all the bright colors and the sounds the pages made.
So serious ...
The picture is blurry where he's trying to move his hand to touch the book. He loved the crinkly sound.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Road Trip
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Trip to the Park
We had beautiful weather on Sunday, so we ventured out to one of our favorite spots, Pullen Park. We have a few pics and some video. For those of you not from NC. Pullen Park is a landmark around here. It's just beautiful year round. It has a large pond with ducks and paddle boats, a train, an old fashioned carousel, a playground, etc. Needless to say it's packed with families when the weather is nice. We took Samuel for a stroll and took some pics. He mostly slept or enjoyed looking around at everything.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Little Stinker
I ran to the grocery store tonight when Tyson got home from work. I made sure Samuel was well fed before I left. It's amazing how much fun grocery shopping can be when you don't get out much. I could sense a holiday spirit about the place as all of the different holiday foods and ingredients were front and center - pumpkin pie filling, pie shells, eggnog, etc. As I'm leisurely perusing each isle, about half way through my cell phone rings with Tyson and a screaming baby on the other end. He informed me that the little guy fell apart shortly after I left and hadn't been a happy camper. Tyson was out of ideas for soothing and just needed a couple of suggestions. He assured me that he was fine and not to abandon my cart and come home. I told him to try swaddling and sure enough that did the trick. Tyson called back shortly and said he went right to sleep. He usually thinks of swaddling but after 30 minutes of screaming I guess it was hard to think of much. Needless to say my fun filled stroll around the store began to look more like that show The Grocery Game where you scurry around throwing things in. I grabbed my last few items and headed out.

Here's what I found when I got home. Little toot!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
One Month Has Gone By...
Dear Samuel,
It has already been four whole weeks since we laid our eyes on you for the first time. Time is really flying by. You are such a sweet baby. We know the books say you won't smile for a little bit longer, but we have noticed you smiling on purpose for at least a week now. It's not just gas! You really do like to smile and grin alot at us when we talk to you. Dad read the book, Snuggle Puppy to you with lots of animation and you smiled the whole way through. You are very attentive to people and objects. It's amazing how much we've already gotten to know you in such a short time. You love to have a bath. You like to have the warm water poured over your belly and you are totally content the whole time. That is until we take you out. That's another story. You are very happy in just a diaper. It seems you're a little warm natured. You like to coo and make little sounds. Your arms and hands are constantly busy when you're awake. You're a great eater or should we say drinker and you've gained over two pounds already. We could go on and on. We love you so much and sometimes still can't believe you are here with us. Bless you baby boy.
Mommy and Daddy
Beginning to like his bouncy seat

First time to wear blue jeans

So handsome!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday Tales
I just put Little Bit down for a nap (11 am) and snuck in here to post some tidbits. He has a sniffle right now. We noticed it on Sunday evening, and he had a pretty rough night with congestion. It sounded like a lot of drainage in his throat and kept making a gagging sound. I pretty much sat up and stared at him all night. It seems to be much better today. I've been giving him saline drops in his nose and we slept with a steam vaporizer last night. Is this another little notch on the belt of parenthood?
I wouldn't say by any means we have much of a set routine around here, but our nights are pretty predictable for now. He's still nursing every two or two and a half hours at night and we go ahead and get up after our 5:30 am feeding and spend time with Daddy before he goes to work. Then it seems Samuel is ready for a morning nap around 8 and it's usually for at least 2 hrs. Okay, I guess there is a little routine beginning to happen. After the night and the morning nap there's nothing set in stone from there. We just eat, sleep, change diapers, and play as this little guy gives his cues. Why is it though that already as soon as Tyson and I sit down to eat dinner, Samuel can be sound asleep but immediately pops up wanting to eat or be held, etc. ? I guess he doesn't want to miss out. Already he totally checks us out while we're eating and starts holding his mouth open like a little bird like he's hoping to get a little taste. He's so cute!
Here are some of my favorite pics as of late.
He's a good sport about Mommy doing so many little photo shoots.
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