I wrote Moving Forward (Part I) to share where we were in the process of getting back to Africa, and am continuing to share our journey as we go along. We finished up our stay with friends and realized we would be in the states several more months as we raise more funds and continue preparations. Once again, we have seen God's hand move on our behalf. We found a nice comfortable place to lease in a great location. We're very close to Tyson's job, and just around the corner from great friends. The owner has been very gracious to us and is giving us super flexible lease terms in support of what we're
trying to do. Since unpacking again, it has allowed us to do even more sorting and downsizing of things we don't need. I'm convinced now, one must go through their things several times to keep clearing out the clutter. It's just amazing how quickly we accumulate STUFF isn't it? Therefore, we've been doing a lot of craigslisting and Goodwill drop offs. Feels good for sure! Having our own space again has been good for us as a family. Samuel really likes it here. I'm trying to do "Preschool" time with him on a regular basis because he just soaks it up and loves to be challenged with new activities. Luke is growing and changing faster than we can keep up. He's finally gotten a tooth and is beginning
to crawl. Best of all, he gives kisses now!!! :)
We are finally feeling settled in at the moment and turning our focus back to establishing our support team for moving full time to Africa. This process has been good for us on many fronts and will continue to be I'm sure. We're learning to live a more interconnected, interdependent life with those God has put around us. We are learning to be more vulnerable and transparent. Everything in me screams for independence at times. Just ask my husband!! I'm naturally a very independent person, so I need God to infuse me with His nature on a daily basis. I'm reminded as I reflect that we were all created for relationship. We were meant to live reciprically giving and receiving to experience the fullness of what He has for us. It's just so darn contrary to my nature, but when I surrender and humble myself and TRUST, then peace and joy follow.
Practically speaking...We're wrapping up a newsletter that we are sending out sharing details about what we'll be doing and inviting folks to invest in us and the work being done in Mozambique. Side note: If you don't think you're on our mailing list but would like to be, please email us or PM me on facebook(our email is at the bottom of this blog) and we'd be excited to ad you.
If you feel drawn to do so, we'd greatly appreciate your prayers for us. The opportunity to get discouraged or doubtful seems to come knocking frequently. The day we left Mozambique to come home almost two years ago, the team gathered around and prayed for us for a safe return and for the Lord's help to get back in His timing. As they were praying, I kept hearing the phrase "faces like flint" in my mind over and over. This has since become one of our theme verses on this journey,
"Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. ~Isaiah 50:7
So, onward we walk looking for the beauty that today holds right here where we are desiring to be vessels of His love and grace as we set our faces like flint towards moving our family to serve in Africa. Step by step....
Blessings over you!!!
I am so proud of you and Tyson. My prayers are always with you both and I know that God will take care of you and your service to Him. I love you, Mom