Saturday, August 20, 2011

We Are Back!

We arrived home from Africa on Saturday afternoon.  It wasn't the arrival we were expecting.   Our flight from South Africa landed in New York where we would connect on to our home destination, and by the time we got there I mentioned to Tyson that I wasn't feeling quite right.  We both agreed it was probably exhaustion from traveling for so long.  We traveled straight through (which I will not do again w/ a toddler).  Crazy!!  I think it had been 30 something hours of travel by this point.  Anyway, I quickly realized I was feeling more than just exhausted.  It quickly went from body aches, to chills all over, to fever, and by the time we landed at home I didn't think I would make it off the plane.  I had a horrible headache and could hardly think straight.  Long story short this moved into vomiting and "the other" for around three days.  I promptly began taking medicine to treat malaria.  I couldn't keep the medicine down,  so we had to get a prescription for anti-nausea meds which did the job and helped me sleep.  We're not 100% sure it was malaria.  So far all tests have come back negative, but it's fairly safe to say that's probably what it was.  Whatever it was.  I've never been so sick!  Needless to say, our arrival back to the states was like one big blur!  We've been blessed to have friends watch Samuel and bring us meals.  I'm now feeling a thousand times better.  Just getting my strength back.  Funny thing is I hardly remember getting a mosquito bite.  They're really not bad there this time of year.  I guess it just takes one.
Thanks again for all of you who were praying for me and for us during our whole trip and while I was sick.  It feels so great to know we are covered in prayer.  I was feeling really discouraged during the illness and just felt like I was in a fog, but a couple of mornings ago we started worshipping in our living room and speaking life over me and our home.  Oh how quickly the darkness left and the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit and resurrection life of Jesus came flooding in!    We are victorious in Him!

Our trip....was wonderful on so many levels.   Samuel was so adaptable and seemed to enjoy himself and  everyone else the whole time.  He had lots of great space to run and play outside and he loved everyone there so much.  He even learned a few phrases in Portuguese that he would use with the Mozambicans.  "Hi", "How are you?" "I'm fine."  So cute!  There were lots of animals around too that kept him busy.  Sweet dogs, one cat, two horses, and a couple of rabbits.   He was in heaven!  Tyson and  I jumped in and helped where needed with the clinic, the horses, building, prison ministry, training and English teacher and whatever else came up.  We spent a good bit of time simply building relationships with the team there as well.  It was good.   We want to go back!  More pics and special stories coming soon!

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