Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's a........BOY!!

Here is a pic of the proof that this is indeed a B-O-Y.
We're happy to announce we are the proud parents of a little baby boy! My mom was able to be with us last Thursday when we had the ultrasound. It's up there as one of the most exciting days of my life. We asked the tech not to tell us right away if she could see boy or girl so we could look and guess. We've been thinking girl because of the high heartrate, but now we know boys can have high heart rates too. We guessed boy when we saw the images and our tech confirmed with a big grin and a nod. I think we all three squealed and screamed at once. I was just so overjoyed and thankful that his development is going well and now we get to imagine what life will be like with this little guy running around. I took my sister-in-law's advice and ate an apple before we went and he was moving around the whole time. I few times we could see him kick on the screen and I would feel a little thump at the same time. Oh yeah, I've been feeling little flutters for a couple of weeks now which is so fun. The doctor came in and told us everything looked great but she suspected I was about a week further along based on the baby's size, so now we have a possible due date of Sept. 23rd. This is our fourth due date so I'm just going to plan on having a baby some time between Sept. 23 and Oct. 6.
We had a great week with my mom and I'll post more on that soon.
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  1. Tyson looks so proud. Can't wait to catch up with you guys. Love ya

  2. Great news Gina! You look so great - vibrant, healthy and happy.

    Just noticed the other post... how odd that there are two posts from Shannas!

  3. Thanks! We're already daydreaming about all the fun that comes with having a son. I guess I'm soon to be outnumbered around here. :)

  4. So the 80's are back in style again. Can I get him his first Member's Only jacket. hehehehe Annabella saw a fairy in our bushes today!


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