Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mommy, Pee Pee...

I thought I'd bring you along on our trip to the pediatric opthamologist.  This has nothing to do with a concern for Samuel's eyes.  He's just fine.  Apparently, he didn't give it his best shot on the muscle balance portion of the screening at his three year check up, so off we went to make sure everything was okay.  Thankfully, his eyes are okay, but by the time we left my reputation was taking a beating.  ;)  We walk in and the place is bustling.  In the front they have a waiting room with all the bells and whistles for kids - germs galore, I mean puzzles, cartoons, play kitchen, race cars all with about five years worth of grime caked on.  Around the corner was another wait area that was more "blah" - magazines, low lighting, GMA on the the TV.... I sign us in and quickly choose the "blah" room before Samuel can look over his shoulder to see the germ infested circus room behind us.  Try to imagine, the "blah" room is also full but quiet except for the morning news up on the televesion until Samuel pipes up and says, "Mommy, is that an "adult movie" there on the TV?" "No, I mean yes, I mean no, I mean yes,  honey that's a show that grown ups watch."    Great.   After a few minutes I can now see that I'm going to have to face the germ laiden circus room b/c he's crawling all over this room hiding under the chairs anyway, not to mention all these parents think I watch adult films.  Sure, lets go touch everything play in the other room down the hall.  We're now in the happy room and Samuel's in the playhouse having the time of his life with another kid when I hear, "Mommy, pee pee," look over, and he's drenched in a puddle of his own pee.  Wow, this is going great.  I let the ladies know up front and they acted like it was a crime scene!  The woman clears everyone out of the entire room, for one little puddle over in the corner.  I don't know what happened after that because we're now in the restroom changing into dry clothes.  I walk out, and now everyone is piled high in the "blah" room since the kid's play area has been evacuated.  Right when we start to squeeze ourselves in there as I do my best not to make eye contact with anyone, the lady gives the "all clear" for kiddie land up at the front.  Wonderful.  Samuel's now begging me to take us back to the "playroom."  Thanks to my kid peeing on the floor it's probably cleaner now than it has been in months.  Anyway, that about summarizes the experience.  We play some more, see the doctor, do a few vision exercises, and he checked out fine.  Just another humbling day in toddlerville... :)


  1. Sandra Hernandez Ortega :-)February 5, 2013 at 5:28 PM

    Alex once peepeed in the playgym thing at mcdonals, on the stairs climbing part and it ran down to the bottom steps! I was mortified! Luckily, there were no other children and I ran and got some soapy napkins to clean it up, then used my clorox wipes to finish it up. LOL

  2. I know! I figured it was bound to happen at some point. It's nice to hear I'm not alone though. LOL! Never a dull moment with little ones.


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