Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An Unwelcomed Visitor

I am very glad to see last week in the rear view mirror.  We were the first ones at our pediatrician's office last Tuesday morning after being up all night with a throwing up toddler.  Mr. Stomach bug paid us an unwelcomed and unexpected visit beginning with Samuel, moving on to me, and rounding out the visit with Tyson!  We couldn't keep so much as a dropper full of pedialyte to stay down with SJ.  This was our first experience with this type of sickness and it was quite scary.  My biggest fear of course was dehydration.  Once we got back in the car from visiting the doctor, Samuel was out, but he wouldn't let go of his Sesame Street book. :)  

The little munchkin lived in his PJ's for a few days.  It's taken a solid week to get completely over it.  Within 24 hours of Samuel showing symptoms it was my turn next.  I began throwing up Wednesday night and felt awful into Thur.  Thursday morning Tyson and I had to find some humor in something by this point and I looked at him and said, "I'm giving you till Friday."  Sure enough he became part of the club.  


A billion loads of laundry...
Ginger Ale...
Elmo marathon....

And another knotch on our belts of parenthood.

Look at all those teeth!  

Did you know??  Rota virus or other stomach viruses can be spread up to two weeks after you've gotten it? The key is good hand washing!  If you don't wash your hands good after changing a diaper or going to the bathroom you can spread it even if you're feeling well already.  The germ lives on up to two weeks.  Of course eating or drinking after someone can spread it too.  I just thought I'd share this because it's made me think twice about getting us out and around other children yet out of consideration.  It's a scary thing when our little ones get this sick because they can dehydrate so quickly.   Thankfully we're all feeling much better and I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll experience something like this but hopefully it won't be anytime soon!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bus, Bus!

We live right around the corner from a large middle school which must bus a million kids in and out everyday because we have a parade of buses file by our house around 7:00am and 2:30pm.  The 2:30 bus parade (as I like to call it) occasionally turns into about 10 minutes of free afternoon entertainment for Samuel and me.  This photo is of Samuel standing on our sofa peering out the window "waiting" on the big event.  When they start to file by he breaks into a very excited "bus, bus!! jabber, jabber, jabber, bus, bus!!"  I want to catch it on video soon because it's so cute!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Climbing to New Heights

The other day when Samuel was watching his beloved Elmo video I looked over to find him comfortably lounging in our recliner.  This was his first time to climb into it on his own.  

As you can see, he was rather proud of himself.  I think he used a toy to stand on to climb up into the chair.  

Once he realized I was taking his picture he got very silly and started bouncing all over the place.  

 But before long, it was back to Elmo...
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