Monday, January 21, 2013

He Knows

Matthew 6:8 “…For your father knows your need before you ask him.”

I have not been encouraged like this in a long time.  We talk about God knowing our needs and being able to meet them, but then at least for me - my actions most of the time reveal something different.  I usually take the “just in case you missed this one God, I’m going to take care of it myself” approach.  However, this time He clearly had me stumped!  As we’ve shared along the way, we’ve been on this path to moving our family full time to Mozambique.  We were invited to come check it out, we went about 18 months ago, and strongly felt the Lord wanted us to return.  One big encouragement when we were there was watching Samuel and how much he loved it.  He loved everyone on the team, loved the atmosphere, loved the Africans, loved it all!  Albeit, he was only 21 months old, he was still remarkably adaptable and happy.  As a parent, this was a huge relief.   If God was calling us there full time, my heart’s desire would be for it to be a good place for our child (and now children).  One of the strongest confirmations we had about going back was how naturally we all clicked with everyone.  The team is diverse with folks from several countries (England, Germany, Ireland, South Africa, America) some single, some married with children.  Which by the way I love the mixture.  I’ve never been a fan of huddling with people my exact same age or in the exact same stage of life. Boring!  There was just one gaping hole I felt…Another similar aged pal for our kid.  All of the other children were wonderful, but they were significantly older.  Considering the fact that if Samuel were to take a personality test for three year olds he would score 100% extrovert and 0% introvert. This has been weighing heavy on my heart which brought me to some even bigger questions that have rolled around in my head: “Do I only obey you, Lord when what you ask me to do meets all my so called “needs/desires?”  How do we move our child extreme extrovert across the world and plop him down with no peers?  Is he going to resent us for this later?  I know he will make friends with the African children.  It’s not that. I’m just talking about someone who shares his home culture, heart language, etc.   How far do we take this whole obedience thing??  As far as I can tell there’s no other family on the radar who’s considering coming.  I don’t understand you, God.  Really don’t.  I’m a bottom line person, and the bottom line came to either I trust you, Lord or I don’t.  Either you can meet our needs how you choose, or you can’t.  I don’t have to know how you choose to do that.   Thank you, Hebrews 11 for clarifying this. :)

DRUM ROLL....................

Right after Thanksgiving, we called our friend Tracy who is the founder of iReachAfrica (the organization we’re teaming up with) to ask her a medical question since she is a PA.  After she answered our question, she says “Hey, I’ve got some good news.”  “There’s another family who has decided to join us in Moz.”  “I think their kids are the same age as yours.”  What?!?!!!   Then she proceeds to tell me about them and later gets us connected through email.  To make matters more exciting, yes this couple has decided to come.  Yes, they have two little kids, and yes their oldest is a boy who is just one month younger than Samuel.  Their baby girl is slightly older than Luke.  Since then, we’ve connected with video chat and email.  We’ve already hit it off.   We’re all encouraged that we’ll have another family there in the same stage of life and our little ones will have each other to play with.   You might be bored to tears reading this by now (if you’ve made it this far), but I can hardly describe the clouds I was walking on for days since hearing this news.  It wasn’t while I was struggling with this, but later after we found out about this family that I came across the verse Matthew 6:8 that says …”For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”   Basically, it’s totally within God’s character to lead us forward without answering all of our questions first.  He will ask us to leave it up to Him to decide how He’ll meet our needs.  He’ll ask us to let go of what we’re holding onto before we can fully grasp what’s ahead.  Just so you know, He’ll also gladly surprise the HECK out of us with His goodness far beyond what we can come up with ourselves.  Just so you know.   

Friday, January 18, 2013

Cuddle Pals

This is how I found Samuel taking his nap earlier.  He calls these his "Cuddle Pals."  I guess he got them all into place before he fell asleep.  The orange gorilla looks like he's had enough!   Lord, help me cherish these days of pb&j's, potty chairs, Blues Clues, pacifiers, sippy cups, and the precious hearts that you've put into my care.  Oh yeah, and naps too!! :)

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