Friday, September 24, 2010

Saying "bath"

Saying "bath", originally uploaded by gmdeggs.

He says "baa" for "bath" now. It's one of his favorite activities (besides playing w/ the toilet when I forget to keep the bathroom door shut). We were playing in his room this afternoon and before I could blink he had my cell phone and toddled into the bathroom and held it over the toilet. I grabbed it quickly and let out a big sigh of relief. I fully expected him to drop it in and say "uh-oh." Whew!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

11 Month photos in the backyard

Here are a few shots of our little guy I took the other morning in the backyard. It was just cool enough, so I put some little jeans on him. He looked so adorable toddling around in the grass if I do say so. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Small Places

I've noticed Samuel loves to fit himself into small places lately. The other day at a friend's house, I was using this plastic dish to hold some of his toys and he took the toys out to fit his chubby little frame into it. He sat there for a few minutes and played. He also loves to crawl into corners or under chairs and tables. I love it when he gets situated and then peeks out to give me a big grin.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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